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God / god the idea:

Adetunji Adelola

Updated: Feb 6, 2024

As controversial as this piece will be I want everyone reading to endeavor to be objective about this thesis. I have always believed that man should question every established theory, that the concept of free will allows us to investigate everything that is meant to suppress the human nature or at least reconstruct old or construct new ideas . Our society today is a derivative of Christianize and Islamic ideas, these religions and their rules have little to no tolerance for the abstraction "free will" , according to them man is meant to follow the will of God/Allah without question but who or what is this divine entity man submits to. Long before Christianity or Islam ,men have worshiped gods which at the era or time were believed to be the one true God/god , the idea of the one true almighty out dates both Christianity and Islam , Vikings worshiped Odin , Egyptians worshiped RA and so on . Men have been praying to an almighty in the sky for millennia, the concept of heaven and hell basically the idea of an after life out dates these popular religions in the world today, the Vikings had Valhalla , the Aztecs had Mictlan ,the ancient Egyptians had the Fields of Aaru, Elysim for the Ancient Greeks and so on.

In my opinion, we do not know who or what God/god is, we just concoct different perceptions of divinity as our society evolves and grows with time . I have to admit I am not as religious as most people are but I do believe that I am well connected with my spirit, you can disregard my claim thinking I was not raised a good Christian or Muslim but that would be your prerogative as my opinions are my. This idea of the ultimate almighty that we have killed ,destroyed , ransacked and constantly been at war with each other over for centuries doesn't seem or feel so divine, the holy books that should serve as guidelines or instructions from the almighty are clearly composed by man and translated to various languages by man which obviously would make this holy books to be logical rules and not divine rules or a form of social contract for the characters involved during that particular era .For example the some of the content of the ten commandments seems controlled, directed towards certain situations or events "thou shall not covet you neighbor's wife " though logical but feels prompted or "thou shall not kill" is extremely logical does not require a divine stamp to make it a law.

The Buddhists believe in the connection of everything, that everything has a certain energy and everything stays connected through these energies . It is my believe that if God/god is an entity ,you'd find him/her right in the middle of that connection fueling every form of energy around us , I'm not saying that Buddhism is the proper religion or that the ideas of Buddhism though enlightening is the proper religion again that's your prerogative, I am just trying to give my own definition of what I feel God/god is, like I said we are just making things up as we go.

Do we think in 200 years religion will still hold the same value it has now or that Christianity and Islam will own the same efficacy it has today.Would we still refer to God/god the same way we do today, thousands of years ago communicating with God/god involved making sacrifices (human or animal) individual or communally , today we simply pray in our houses, in churches and mosques basically anywhere and we accept that our prayers are heard but what would this be like in 200 years , how would we see the almighty in the future. Divinity will definitely bear a different perception centuries from now, the almighty

will probably be addressed with a different name . But i do not think people in the future will be aware of the fact that it is all just a calculated concept, there is a reason why thinkers refer to religion as a weapon for the powerful, the worse form ignorance is one you are not cognizant of.

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