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  • Adetunji Adelola

No Bliss

Constantly chasing the bliss trying to escape, trying to get in front of my shadow, looking over my shoulder and i don't know why . African, born into fear, born into darkness, can't escape the darkness that looms and lurks in the motherland, the darkness that engulfed our "Africanity". Born of ignorance, it keeps us from the light, bounds our soul to pain and solidarity, leave our minds poor, destroyed our tenacity.

Poverty is the destiny we keep running from. Hunted by the flames of our ancestors, chasing our shadows, the individualism that broke us. Pain is all we know, we dance to her tune and it became generational. Hiding the hurts behind a smile.

I'm hunted by the darkness that killed my father and his father before him, hunted by the pain, hunted by the struggles of my mother and her mother before her, hunted by years of death and suffering of the black man. Hunted by the history of wars that broke the World, hunted of the history that broke the motherland. I'm hunted, i keep looking over my shadow, wondering when the darkness will come for me. I'm hunted, hunted by my mortality, hunted by my people's ignorance, hunted by knowledge, i'm hunted .


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