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  • Adetunji Adelola


Updated: Oct 6, 2020


Rebels change the world,

Villains set the course,

The righteous provokes change,

The good stay put barely grasping the world around them,

Heroes never know the truth,

Martyrs die in vain,

Our idols are false,

Democracy is off, Trump is prove,

Africa is the solution to racism, her history defines the word,

Multicellular entities with tainted souls,

Rays of light bouncing through space-time continuum,

We worship notions, kneeling to forces we don't understand,

The past will be our future when the future becomes the past,

Trumpets will not announce the end Explosions will,

Yes, humans die but energy cannot be destroyed so we change form,

We quickly choose salvation over enlightenment,

Global warming shouldn't be ignored,

The beauty of the world is in its ecosystem.

Kwabena. ✌🏿✌🏿✌🏿

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