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  • Adetunji Adelola

The Executioner

Stood there, in my black  shirt and mask, gripping the handle of the axe firmly, awaiting my king's command. I was about to behead another. He is a traitor, the king said, he has been  accused  of treason,and treason has but one punishment.  Off with his head, into the basket with rest of them, so I raised my axe above my head, and as I stood there trying to find the right angle, the right spot on the cervical spine, it hit me, I don't know what I'm going to eat after work today, I should get groceries then head home to cook. When the axe came down, I realized the traitor's head was bigger than the rest of the heads in the basket and beef was the better option protein-wise.

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Oluwaferanmi Ajayi
Oluwaferanmi Ajayi
Feb 06

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