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  • Adetunji Adelola


Truth is true to me as lie is true to you, that's the difference we share. I'm not going to smile at you neither will I stroke your ego because I have to stroke mine, I will shake your hand because courtesy demands . I don't want to be your friend, I don't know you, I don't want to converse with you, you're not in my spectrum. Don't tell me what's on your mind , I don't care, no need to talk to me about knowledge, you know nothing but you pounce around like you know everything. you're not aware of what you know and what you don't know eludes you. It ain't pride, I just don't want to fuck with you enough to form a pride with you, though you seem like a judgmental cunt . With your dark soul riddled with anger , broken mended heart that can't trust, embodiment of Blackness or maybe it's just your cold darkness ,anger . You feel you are indestructible, invisible, you probably think you are indispensable but even the most powerful man has to die for another to become the most powerful man, wipe the smirk off your face ,this is not a roller coaster.

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